We offer 7 harps which are constructed like Italian-Triple and Welsh Triple.
Workmanship is based on the original instruments.
New: Version with a nice Late-Renaissance Decoration
Height 182 cm
Strings 84 Darm
Range GG-e3/ c-cis3
Weight 12,7 kg
Pitch 440 / 415 hz
Video Megumi Mano
Triple-Harfe from the painting Domenico Zampieri, 1581 - 1641 in Versailles.
Height 192 / 210 cm
Range GG-e3
Weight 11,7 kg
Pitch 440 / 415 Hz
Deco Angel or Akanthus
Please ask for more details.
CD Giovanna Pessi and Susanna Wallumrød, ECM
The Barberini-Harp in the Museo degli Strumenti Musicali in Rome is the tallest and the only original surviveing Baroque-Triple-Harp in Italy, made for the Barberini family in Rome arround 1625. The Cardinals Francesco Barberini and Antonio Barberini had a preciouse Mmusicinstrumentcollection. Pope Urban VIII was the patron of music in the Baroque Rom that time. The maker is unknown. The architect of the preciouse Baroque decoration was Giovanni Batista Soria, 1581-1651, Rome. The Harp is also in painting "Music Alegorie" dated ca. 1639 by Giovanni Lanfranco (1582-1647).
We offer 4 different Versions of Barberini Harp. The construction workmanship is same as the orignal in Rome, different only in height and decoration. With expenditure 11- staved Soundbox, bend Sprucesoundboard with 11 wires, gilted in gold.
The "Barberini Grande" Version is with Volute- and Lionhead-decoration. Optional also original carving at column.
Sound, clear in discant, warm and volumn in bass. All harps surface is polished.
You can select several woodtype for the soundboxback, dark pear, curly maple, plain maple, walut. Column and neck is maple. Soundboard, european Spruce.
Barberini Grande (Lionhead+Volute)
Height 210 cm
Strings 84 Gut
Range GG-e3/c-f2
Weight 13,8 kg
Pitch 440 or 415 Hz
Barberini Eugenia I
Excelent brilliant tembre
Height 209 cm
Strings 86 Gut
Range GG-e3 oder FF-e3 big
Weight 13,5 kg
Pitch 415 or 440 Hz
Option without any colour and Gold
Toys For Two
Performed by Margret Köll (harp) and Luca Pianca (lute).
L'arpa Barberini - Gesang und Harfe im frühbarocken Rom, Margret Köll, (ACCENT)
YouTube: Spera mi disse amore
YouTube: Gagliarda del Principe di Venosa
YouTube: Seconde Stravaganze
Solo-CD L'arpa di Partenope, ACCENT 2014, by Margret Köll
Solo-CD GIANTS, Bach, Gesualdo Monteverdi,
Margret Köll, Luca Pianca (
Barberini Eugenia II
Height 180 cm
Strings 84 Darm/PVF Gut/PVF
Range GG-e3/c-cis3
Weigh 11,5 kg
Pitch 415 oder 440 Hz
Option without any colour and gold
Tripleharp for Conservatories and Highschools and Students. In construction and workmanship stronger, also the soundboard. 2 Soundvariations, golden- warm-, clear and silver bright. The harp looks in size like the two small Barberini-harps.
Height 183 cm
Strings 85 Gut/ PVF
Range GG-e3/A#-dis3
Weight 12,4 kg
Pitch 415/440 Hz
Wood Maple
Option without Deco and Colour
Welsh Triple-Harps
David Evans
The original is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Inside there is an inscription paper, written by hand: "David Evans Instrument Maker, In Rose Court, Near Rose Street, Covent Garden, London 1736". John Richards himfrom some Harps we know, was a student of Evans. David Evans was making that harp for Powell, harpist of Georg Friederich Haendel. This is the ealies surviveing Welsh Triple Harp, we know. In a Privatcollection in USA, there is a simmilar early insrument from same time, rich painted, but unsigned. The Evans Harp has a very rich gold-painted soundboard and wonderfull gilden decorations at the neck. The haps weight is with length of 198cm, light, 10 kg! The instrument is straight, fine craftmeship with knowledge about static. The harp is in very good condition, but unplayable.
Eric Kleinmann was 3 times in London, to find the knowledge of that wonderful craftmenship. It needs exta made measureinstruments, an endoscope to find out the details of the important woodpieces to create the light, functional copy of that instrument. The stringnumber of that Instrument now is 88 strings. To original Instrument, 6 strings were added later, we see at right longer mensure-row, so the instrument had in the past 82 strings.
The copy of the Evans-Harp is having a bright., clear wonderfull and volumn sound. At the orignial top of column is lost, we did a Volut like Richards there, also floral- or head-decoration is possible.
CD Mara Galassi with »Evans-Harp«:
Height Column 198 cm
Standing Height 208 cm
Strings 82 Gut
Range FF-e3/Eb-eb2
Weight 10 kg
Wood Maple, Spruce
Pitch 415 Hz
Option Goldpainted and carved
stringing at neck right or left
John Richards
John Richards from Lianrwst/Wales was a student of David Evans. Himfrom there are a number of surviveing harps in collections and museums arround the world. In the Musicinstrument Museum in Berlin is a harp from Richards dated arround 1750. The Richards-Harps have more numbers of strings than the harp from Evans.
Standing Height 205cm
Strings 100 Gut
Range FF-g3/AAb-fis3
Weight 14,5 kg
Wood Maple Spruce
Pitch 415 oder/or 440 Hz
Option decorated or undecorated
stringeing at neck right or left.
© Eric Harps . Eric Wilhelm Kleinmann . Phone +49 (0) 7471 82993 . E-Mail